Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Immutable Rule of the Universe #492

Why is it that if you put a sock in the washing machine, it will inevitably come out inside out? But if you put the sock in the washing machine inside out, it will still come out inside out?

In mathematical terms:

f (sock, washing machine) = 1/sock

f (1/sock, washing machine) = 1/sock

I hate this almost as much as the little pools of water that sit on top of plastic cups when you pull them out of the dishwasher.

This is probably the most vexing problem of our generation.

Any suggestions faithful readers?


KFLAGE said...

Always wear new socks. They are never packaged inside-out and they eliminate the washer all together.

Also see: "Solo cups" to eliminate any dishwasher water pools.

-Faithful Reader

Anonymous said...

be less white.

suggestion #112
