Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Man With 3" Long Eyebrows Trims Them For Charity

Yes, I said, "a dude with 3-inch long eyebrows agreed to trim them for charity."

I mean, how do you get to that point? What point you ask? The point where they are so long that people are willing to donate $1,600 to charity to trim them off for you! He has a wife, family, friends, a business. How in the hell did they not do something about this earlier?

One of my parents' favorite past-times is when the light strikes my father's dome just right and my mother plucks his unwieldy earlobe hairs. Heck, my roommate, my lady caller, and I used to take turns shaving my other roommate's back hair about once every 3 weeks or so. Sure, we treated it with as much disdain ("nuh-uh, I did it two weeks ago; it's somebody else's turn!") as cleaning out the schmeg that collects in your shower drain. But if you let that pile up it's only going to be worse.

I wonder how many people would donate $1,600 to not clean out my girlfriend's shower drain? She sheds more than a Border Collie with an anxiety disorder an aging 80s butt-rocker with a meth problem.

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